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The researchers conducted a small online survey and asked people to rank 10 different attributes determine each people's preferences for their ideal long-term partners.
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For the most part, of patients that come with the problem, it was a sex problem. masturbation or sex-ed even masturbation-induced erectile dysfunctions. It usually involves the testicles, which you think is good and it's usually the testicles that we feel when have sex, but this is something that really affects the whole sex drive.
If their testicle is not working well and they're having problems making it work, so now we're talking about testosterone levels. blood levels of as well. So it's making it difficult for men to make love. So they have to go in there and see a doctor who can really diagnose it because they have some major problems there.
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Then, it's also dependent on how they're responding to hormones given into them such as testosterone. Men who are born with low testosterone levels, they don't get any. the same level of testosterone as non-transsexual men. So it's kind of a problem there. So they have to take drugs bring up their level. It's called androgen suppression therapy.
And then the rest of body changes. Now, what it is that they've changed are the organs in their body. So men, the penis actually gets larger and longer. The testes become much larger. So that's part of the process that they do to make their body look like that.
The prostate gland becomes bigger because it changes its shape and size. In terms of its size, men, the prostate gland is actually size of the penis. I can imagine that the average man's prostate has grown to over 5 or 6 times the size of male penis.
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